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Been a long time...

Man its been a lil minute... Guess I gotta get back on my shit huh?

Hmmm... Tomorrow. Yeah, Tomorrow...


Failed Weekend.

Man... There was supposed to be a Wale Concert Part Deux but... Smh.
My entire weekend was a #Fail for the most part. I don't think I'll be fading any trips anytime soon unless somebody else is treating.

So lets start from the beginning. 
Friday, I call work to make sure my my co-worker is still covering for me and she wasn't. So I had to not buy my bus ticket because it would be a waste if I still had to go in. So by me not buying my ticket, I couldn't get the right time into NYC. I switched bus companies and instead of Megabus, I had to take Bolt Bus. Taking Bolt wasn't all bad as I ended up meeting two nice young ladies. Anyway, the trip up was cool. Everything was on time and all that. Now the issue was getting to Long Island... The whole point of the damn trip was the Wale Concert @ Hofstra University. Well they weren't flying or letting the buses run like normal so Wale didn't make it to the island and I almost didn't make it either. What's normally like... 30 minute ride turned into almost 2 hours at Penn Station. I did meet this nice kid from Hicksville (I couldn't believe that exists in NY) that watched my phone on the charger while I talked to the info ppl. Eventually I made it to LI... Then I get there and everything went good that night. Ended up going to Gation, a gay club, and had a ball. Got back to the room, slept, and was up for another failed day of transit...

I woke up, Kia called my cab, and I was supposed to be off... #Fail
A cab comes and picks me up... But not the right cab. Which wouldn't have been a bad thing if it wasn't for the fact I paid for my cab with my credit card. 0_o 
The cab driver realized he shouldn't have picked me up and took me to the correct cab company. But since it was the wrong cab, we had to get clearance for me to ride with him because they're from different cities. At this point I wanted to just punch something or somebody. I thought I was going to miss my train back. 

I ended up making it to the train station and walk in the station house to check and see the status of the train... CANCELLED. So once again I'm like WTF am I going to do if I can't leave the island until 9. My bus was leaving at 9 from Penn Station. I decide to be a responsible adult and call my job (I was supposed to be to work by 2) and let them know what was going on, but I said I would let them know something within the hour. Mind you, that's still plenty of time to cover my shift AFTER I call back. Did it work out that way? Of course not because it was yet another #Fail. They covered my shift and told me they couldn't tell the girl not to come so I was S.o.L.

At this point I want to give up. I'm like FML seriously. I barely made it back to Penn Station in enough time to catch my bus so I didn't get to eat or anything. I just got on the bus and slept. No music or anything. I was just exhausted man.

So yeah. My weekend was full of EPIC Fails. 
Not just the regular ones. 


Hello World

Man life is crazy...  I have so much going on that the last thing I touch half the time is a computer, but I'm finding time to get up with everything now. 

I have a cold. Which really isn't stopping anything, it's just annoying as hell. 

I definitely have a crush on somebody and I'm feeling her thus far... =]

There's so much good music floating around me it's great.

...Things are pretty good. Not too many complaints. Maybe a rant coming tomorrow, depends on my feel.

For some reason, I can't stop listening to the damn CuDi CD!!! I guess it's my state of mind... 

I can have everything I've wanted... Here in my dreams =]


Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night =]

So I've been trapped in the house for like 2 consecutive weekends due to snow...
I can't and WON'T take it anymore. 
I really wanna start posting those music links tonight, 
but I have to get out of the house ASAP. 

I'm trying to find somebody to hit XS with...
Got Sonny going to the movies later with her JerkLoser ass...
Gotta go see the ex... 
"Etc, etc, etc" As the King says.

Let me get off here. 


In school......

The bestie isn't here. So I feel like a lost ass loser.
Maybe I am a loser... Hmmm...


I just refuse to conform in the conventional manner.

Currently Playing: KiD CuDi - My World Feat. Billy Cravens